
Thanks for checking out my site.

While I'm not squinting at frames on my laptop, I'm usually playing tabletop games with friends, searching for good eats in Portland, or telling my dog to stop eating grass.

Before getting into UX, I worked in the retail and food service industries for 12 years which, as I'm sure you can imagine, was a practice in patience, empathy, and adaptability. I enjoyed the dynamism and diversity of it all, but rarely found opportunites to apply my other talents and interests. As soon as I learned about UX, I knew it was for me - I left my job and dove in head first. I enrolled in General Assembly's UX/UI immersive program and was given the tools and knowledge I needed to pursue a career in this field. It was there that I fell even more in love with good design, great user experiences, and how comprehensive research can give us the information we need to create them.

I'm always learning, always keeping my fellow humans in mind, and I'm always happy to be here.


Let's work together!


