
Myself and fellow designer, Charles Burns, spent a week working on this project in an effort to teach ourselves Adobe XD. Even though this was a personal project, I'm very proud of the design we ended up with and wanted to share it here. This is not a conventional case study, but a short showcase of our final design.

This was a collaborative effort between myself and my teammate. 
We each contributed to the research, ideation, and design of this project.


The Brief

We designed Fairshare in order to put the power of book fairs into the hands of the people, making it easy for dedicated community members to host book sharing events of their own to increase access of books to school age children.

Fairshare acts as a hub for book-sharing events in local communities. Users can easily find book fairs happening nearby and share them with friends and families. We also made it easy to host book fairs of your own, and included features that allow hosts to seek volunteers as well as donations.

We wanted Fairshare to be as easy to use as possible. Finding, sharing, donating, and volunteering require no account creation. Fairshare acts as a catalyst for connection between hosts, volunteers, and attendees, while communication between members is handled outside of the application. Users would only need to create an account when attempting to host a book fair of their own.

Below, you'll find flows that showcase a few of Fairshare's features.

Creating a Fair


Sending a Volunteer Request


Searching and Bookmarking


That's all for now!

There's still more to this project, like it's ideation, research, previous iterations, and other features, but I wanted to keep this brief. If you're interested, have any questions, or would like to see more, reach out and I'd be more than happy to walk you through this project!


As part of our survey, made by Onaiza Kazi, participants were asked to rank qualities by level of importance when making new friends.

Let's work together!


